Jan 06, · 3. City Life Essay with Quotes for Students of Class 10 and Class 12 – More than Words “A city is the expanding product of the human hand and mind, reflecting man’s history, his struggle for freedom, creativity, genius and his selfishness and errors.” (Charles Abrams) Human civilization had to undergo many changes and developments May 31, · Save to my list. Remove from my list. Life in the city is full of activity. Early in the morning hundreds of people rush out of their homes in the manner ants do when their nest is broken. Soon the streets are full of traffic. Shops and offices open, students flock to their schools and the day’s work begins Essay. Living in a big city essay. Nowadays, more and more people gets up to live in a big citys. Undoubtedly, there are advantages and disadvantages
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Life in a big city can be described as fast, flowing and largely cut off from the nature. While it offers good opportunities and modern facilities, it can be quite exhaustive and stressful. Yet those who live in big cities are accustomed to the life there and find it hard to adjust in a small town or village. Long and Short Essay on Life in a Big City in English Order custom essay Life in a Big City Essay with free plagiarism report. Here are essay on Life in a Big City of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exam. You can select any Life in a Big City Essay as per your need:. Life in a big city is mostly fast paced. There is a lot of competition all around. Everyone wants to do better than the other and they keep struggling day and night to further their aim, living in the city essay.
A sense of competition is ingested in children from a very young age. Every parent wants his child to living in the city essay ahead of the competition. Schools in big cities do not just focus on studies but also on other activities. They boast of good infrastructure and highly-learned faculties to prepare the students for the life ahead. Big cities also offer good job opportunities. Someone with good educational qualification can acquire a well paying job in a big city. The opportunities are endless if one is really aiming to work. Similarly, big cities have all the modern amities needed for a comfortable living, living in the city essay.
However, earning a comfortable life equipped with all the modern day facilities can actually be quite stressful. While the city living in the city essay can render comfort it does not guarantee peace. Several people relocate from villages to big cities living in the city essay order to make a better living. While many of them are able to earn good and enhance their lifestyle they end up losing their living in the city essay of mind in the mad rush of the big cities. Introduction Life in a big city is full of competition and opportunities for the students.
Big cities have better education opportunities. The schools and colleges here are equipped with a good infrastructure and all the modern facilities to offer a great learning experience. These schools allow the students to explore their interest from the very beginning as they do not just focus on the academics but also on extracurricular activities. A number of activities are introduced for the proper growth and development of the students and also to help them identify their areas of interest, living in the city essay. Better Infrastructure; Better Education Compared to small towns and villages, living in the city essay, the quality of education provided in the big cities is quite high, living in the city essay. The schools here are equipped with all kinds of facilities.
From well equipped laboratories to state of the art sports complexes — they have it all. The faculties recruited for these schools are highly educated and well-versed in their subjects. The management here is experienced and is driven to improve the standard of education. They are focused on building the future of the students and work hard to achieve this goal. The competition is high and students develop competitive spirit from an early age. Variety of Courses Unlike small towns and villages, there are various colleges in big cities. These colleges offer numerous courses specializing in different fields. In order to seek admission in a specialized course in a good college, the students are mostly required to clear entrance exam. Big cities encompass good coaching centres that train the students to crack these entrance exams and get admission in the college of their choice.
Students who get the opportunity of studying in big cities can thus choose from a wide variety of courses and pursue a career of their choice. They stand a better chance of building a bright career. Conclusion Big cities are especially good when it comes to higher studies because of the variety of courses available here. This is the reason why many students relocate to these cities to pursue higher education. Introduction Life in a big city is exciting and ever-evolving. There are a lot of opportunities to learn and grow for people residing in a big city. These cities provide a chance to grow personally and professionally. People living in these cities turn out to be smarter than those living in the small towns and villages owing to the kind of exposure they get.
Life in these cities is fast paced and only those who have a smart bent of mind can survive here. Personal Growth in Big Cities There is a good scope of personal growth and development in the big cities. Children living in such cities have access to good schools and colleges that do not just focus on the academics but on the all round development of the students. These educational institutes give the individuals a chance to participate in various kinds of activities and events to help them explore their interest. Besides, there are living in the city essay number of activities one can involve in outside the school which help in personal growth.
Professional Growth in Big Cities Big cities offer great career opportunities and lucrative business options unlike the villages and small towns where the scope is limited. Several industries and firms operate here and offer good job opportunities to people with different educational qualification. The prospects of setting business are also good in these cities. These cities are well-connected with other parts of the country which is a big advantage. It helps living in the city essay expanding business and dealing with clients living in different cities, living in the city essay. Many institutes in big cities offer courses to working professionals to help them grow further and attain new professional heights. The prospects of setting up and expanding business in a big city are immense if a person is willing to work hard.
Economic Growth and Big Cities Many new businesses are set up in the big cities each year. As these businesses grow and flourish they contribute towards the economic growth of the country. Conclusion While the big cities offer excellent opportunities to learn and grow, life here is busy. There is so much to do that there is just no time to sit and relax. People are so engrossed with their work that they do not even get time to spend with their family. Many people feel isolated in such atmosphere. While they become successful in life they hardly have anyone to celebrate their success with. Introduction It is rightly said that nothing comes easy. Life in a big city may seem alluring but it comes at living in the city essay price.
There are many advantages of living in a big city however its disadvantages are no less. People planning to shift to a big city must analyse the advantages and disadvantages of city life before making the final move. Advantages of Life in a Big City Here are some of the advantages of life in a big city:. Life in a big city is much better than that in villages because of the infrastructure it offers. The condition of the roads, parks, living in the city essay, market areas and other public places in big cities are better. These are well-planned and well-maintained to ensure the comfort and convenience of the public.
Big cities encompass good hospitals that offer high end medical facilities. Special clinics and hospitals have been established here to treat patients suffering from different health conditions. These are equipped with the latest medical equipments. The team of doctors as well as support staff in these hospitals is well qualified to handle their duties. There are many malls, shopping centres, living in the city essay, amusement parks, restaurants, movie halls and other places of recreation in the big cities. Besides, a number of events such as live band performances, food festivals, concerts, cultural shows, plays, etc are organized every now and then for the entertainment of people.
Big cities encompass primary and secondary schools with good infrastructure. The school staff and management of these schools are well educated and trained. They focus on the all round growth and development of the students. Several renowned colleges have also been set up in these cities. They offer specialized courses and train students to pursue career of their choice. Disadvantages of Life in a Big City Here are some of the disadvantages of life in a big city:. The cost of living in a big city is much higher compared to that in a village or small living in the city essay. The house rent and commuting charges can especially dig a hole in your pocket. Maintaining a good lifestyle in a big city can be quite expensive.
There is constant hustle and bustle in the big cities. People work twenty four-seven in these cities. The roads are always full of traffic as the people living in the city essay are always living in the city essay the move, living in the city essay. There is a lot of pollution in the big cities. There are thousands of cars on the roads and numerous industries in different parts of these cities. They do not only pollute the air making it difficult to breathe but also cause a lot of noise pollution. There is competition at every step in the big cities. This competition and urge to stay ahead of the others can be quite taxing and stressful. Conclusion Life in a big city is no doubt comfortable however it also has its set of drawbacks.
While it offers good opportunities and facilities, living in the city essay, it is not that easy to acquire all this. One needs to work hard to lead a respectful and comfortable life in a big city. Introduction Life in a big city looks attractive because of the kind of facilities it offers.
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, time: 6:30Living in a big city essay

Jan 06, · 3. City Life Essay with Quotes for Students of Class 10 and Class 12 – More than Words “A city is the expanding product of the human hand and mind, reflecting man’s history, his struggle for freedom, creativity, genius and his selfishness and errors.” (Charles Abrams) Human civilization had to undergo many changes and developments The morning stress governs everything and everywhere and it is the first stress of the whole series that people living in the city encounter every single day. The next source of stress in a city is, undoubtedly, a large number of its inhabitants, clustered on a relatively small area. Every man needs his own living space and his own sphere of pri May 31, · Save to my list. Remove from my list. Life in the city is full of activity. Early in the morning hundreds of people rush out of their homes in the manner ants do when their nest is broken. Soon the streets are full of traffic. Shops and offices open, students flock to their schools and the day’s work begins
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