A Research Proposal on “The Causes of Drug Addiction among Street Children in Dhaka City” Submitted to Submitted by Nafiz Zaman Shuva Sazzadul Karim () Associate professor Md. Amir Hossain () Dept. of Information Science M. Mostofa Morshed (7) & Library Management Md. Ali Ajam () University of Dhaka K. M. Mehedi Hasan (5) Date of Submission: - A Research Street Kids Speech/Essay3 Pages Words. Good morning miss and fellow students. This is just a taste of what it is like on the streets. Today we are going to explore a world where you can't even begin to comprehend the disturbing possibilities of reality. Yes, you guessed it, my talk today is on street kids The Consortium for Street Children’s outstanding Research Forum consists of academics, independent researchers and representatives from civil society organisations. The Research Forum members bring academic and professional expertise to guide CSC’s collective research priorities and work. The Research Forum provides a platform for the
Characteristics of Street Children
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Sazzadul Karim. Download Download PDF Full PDF Package Download Full PDF Package This Paper. A short summary of this paper. Download Download PDF. Download Full PDF Package. Translate PDF. Amir Hossain Dept. of Information Science M. Ali Ajam University of Dhaka K. Introduction 2. Literature review 4, street children essay. Methodology 5. Analysis of data 6. Ethical consideration 7. Time table 8. Limitations 9. Drug is one of the acute problems of them. Drug abuse directly influences the economic and social aspects of a country. Though the young people are mostly addicted to drug, but street children essay is very alarming that recently the children i. street children are also committing to drug. The street children are mostly addicted to drugs due to various reasons.
We are anxious about this problem. If this problem cannot be street children essay, our society will be dropped to the edge of destruction. In this study we will identify the causes of drug addiction among street children in Bangladesh. And other objectives are: To know the present status of drug abuse by street children in Bangladesh. Literature review: For conducting this study we have reviewed a number of relevant literatures to get clear idea on this topic. We have studied different literatures from online journals, thesis papers, articles and other relevant literatures through internet. By reviewing these we find that street children essay prevalence of street children has been escalating in most of the developing world and highest in Bangladesh.
poverty, street children essay, over population, illiteracy etc. Relief of boredom or hunger or depression and frustration, wanting to feel good, to keep awake or get to sleep or to dream may be some of the functions served by drug use. This also will help to determine the way for approaching the ultimate study samples. Five enumerators, who will brief about the study and visit the specified areas from mid-day to mid-night to do a head count and prepare a map with spots indicating different concentrations of street-dwelling children. From each spot, street children essay respondents will be drawn through repeated visits within one week.
The children who sleep in the same spot for the last one month will be eligible to be included in the survey. Snow ball technique will be used to identify the respondents. Thus, street children essay, a total of street children from street children essay will be included in the street children essay Data Collection: This study will be based on survey method. Skilled interviewers will be recruited for data collection. A seven-day intensive training will be given to them which will consist of lectures, mock interviews, role play, and field practice at the community level. An instruction manual explaining the key terms in the questionnaire will be developed, and provided street children essay the enumerators as a guide.
Three teams of five members each will be formed. On the day of interview, the team will identify the first respondent according to the definition of street children and criteria for selection. Secondly, they will apply snow ball technique to identify further respondents present in the spots for interview. The study will include only those who will be interested. Verbal consent will be taken before the interview. The field activities will be supervised by the researchers. Data Analysis: The data will be analyzed using both descriptive and Statistical Package for the Social Sciences SPSS. Ethical issues: All respondent will be informed about the purpose of the study and their verbal consent will be obtained before the interview, street children essay.
All information will be kept anonymous and confidential. Benegal Vivek. Drug Abuse Among Street Children in Bangalore. Bangalore, India; Njord L, Merril RM, Njord R, Lindsay R, Pahano JDR Drug use among street children and non-street children in Phillippines. Asia Pacific J Public Health. Tuladhar S. Alcohol and Drug Use among Street Children in Nepal. Kathmandu: Child Workers in Nepal CWIN ; A Baseline survey of street children in Bangladesh by Foundation for Research on Educational Planning and Development published by The Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, Parishakhan Bhaban, Agargaon, Dhaka. Drug Abuse: Summaries of Research Studies Sponsored By Ministry of Welfare Published by the National Street children essay of Social Defense, street children essay, Ministry of Welfare, Government of India, New Delhi.
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The Consortium for Street Children’s outstanding Research Forum consists of academics, independent researchers and representatives from civil society organisations. The Research Forum members bring academic and professional expertise to guide CSC’s collective research priorities and work. The Research Forum provides a platform for the Street Children’s Short Essay in Words for Class 1, 2, 3, 4. A huge number of people in India live in the street. Among them a big number is children. They don’t go to school; even they don’t have that facility to go to school. Most of them are connected with child blogger.comted Reading Time: 50 secs Street children and homeless children are living in cities, towns and villages all over the globe, regardless of the economic climate of the country. The United Nations estimates there are up to million street children in the world. No one knows the exact number because they are often unknown to social care and government organisations
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