Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Reasons why gay marriage should be legal essay

Reasons why gay marriage should be legal essay

reasons why gay marriage should be legal essay

Legalizing gay marriage has been a controversial topic in the past few years. In my opinion, gay people should be allowed to get married because it is a civil right. It shouldn 't matter what gender they prefer because they 're still regular people. Making gay marriage illegal, is the same as taking away someone 's freedom and civil rights Gay marriage should be legal because as woman and man, all individuals have the same right in society; because same-sex couples can constitute a good based family; because it is just a way to make official a common union nowadays, even with the religious issue; because it is not related to polygamy; and because love matters and it does not differ in nature Same-sex marriage should be legal because it provides equal benefits to all. Before legalization in the United States, homosexual couples had no hospital visitation rights. This means that if an emergency occurred, a person was not allowed to visit their life partner because they were not legally married. Legalizing gay marriage also provides benefits pertaining to taxation,

LGBT Love: Why Same Sex Marriage Should Be Legal

The issue of gay marriage became highly severe in the United States during the last years. Many scientists and policymakers argue whether it is legal to acknowledge such kinds of affairs. Despite the positive attitude to gay weddings, the latter could lead to disastrous consequences for the society and culture of the US. Regardless of the religious matters, homosexual matrimony distorts and harms essential, moral, and ethical statements of the institution of marriage. Therefore, this paper will discuss the reasons that prove that gay marriage should be illegal. Calculate Price Type of assignment Title Writer level Number of pages Spacing Urgency Order total: It is an undeniable fact that all humans are divided into men and women.

The definition of marriage involves representatives of both sexes. It is, at least, ethically wrong and unnatural when two males or two females are wed. Hence, there are several reasons that claim the wrongness and harmfulness of such matrimony. The first statement that proves the abnormality of gay families is the unnatural essence of the affairs between individuals of the same sex. Despite the religious edition of the world's creation, evolution separated all creatures into two genders. Moreover, in the wild nature, male animals do not live with other representatives of the same sex. Only relationships between males and females are natural and right.

Therefore, being the example of highly developed species people cannot marry a person of the same gender. It opposes to evolution and principles of the world order. The second reason is the issue of parenting. Therefore, such a situation deprives the offspring of having the mom or dad role model. In turn, reasons why gay marriage should be legal essay, the child will never know how it is to have a strong father and loving mother at the same time. The third argument is the propagation of homosexual lifestyle. It is a well-known fact family is the primary institution where kids learn the standards of social roles and the value reasons why gay marriage should be legal essay genders.

In addition, same-sex spouses are not able to have their own children, so they resort to adoption, reasons why gay marriage should be legal essay. Since it is easier to adopt a baby from reasons why gay marriage should be legal essay Third World country, such matrimony harms the birth rate of the USA by bringing the kids from abroad. Need a sociology essay sample written specifically for you? Despite the issue of parenting and propagation of homosexuality, gay affairs damage the social and moral structures of the society that has been set long ago. If approved by the government, same-sex marriage makes people to believe that moral and ethical laws are outdated.

In turn, it propagandizes the principle of complete permissiveness where ethical values are not needed Stockland, reasons why gay marriage should be legal essay, It means that in the future, humankind may want to legalize and approve much worse actions such as polygamy, incest, and other nontraditional relationships. From the position of the community and taxes, citizens should not be forced to pay for maintaining relationships, which they do not believe in Stockland, Nowadays, one could see that the propagation of homosexuality is present almost at all stages of cultural and political life. Same-sex affairs have become mainstream that excludes the morals of heterosexual liaisons.

The last reasons why gay marriage should be legal essay not least reason of wrongness of gay marriage is a religious perception of the issue. The greatest religions around the globe do not recognize legitimate and sexual connections between two humans of the same sex. Hence, such matrimony violates the order of the world created by God; it denies the divine purpose of wedlock and develops the sinful way of life among humans Fiorenza, Moreover, same-sex affairs distort the sacred doctrines and statements of the religion. Therefore, according to the discussed arguments, gay marriages should not be legalized in society. To conclude, it is ethically wrong and unnatural when two males or two females are wed. Same-sex marriages are harmful because they pervert the natural order of the world.

Gay families are not able to have their own kids, so they refer to adoption. Furthermore, such a connection harms the social and moral structures of the public that have been established long ago. Additionally, any religion around the globe does not recognize legitimate and sexual affairs between two humans of the same sex. Don't lose time, order now! Choose the best topic, set the deadline and get any of your papers written according to all of your demands with perfect timing. We provide individual approach to each client. Why Gay Marriage Should not be Legal May 14, in Sociology Essay.

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Gay Marriage Should be Legalized - Words | Help Me

reasons why gay marriage should be legal essay

In the first amendment, it proclaims that people have the freedom to choose their religion or no religion. It also states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.”. People that oppose same-sex marriage argue that it shouldn’t be legalized because it is a sin and it isn 't traditional Same-sex marriage should be legal because it provides equal benefits to all. Before legalization in the United States, homosexual couples had no hospital visitation rights. This means that if an emergency occurred, a person was not allowed to visit their life partner because they were not legally married. Legalizing gay marriage also provides benefits pertaining to taxation, Why Gay Marriage Should not be Legal. May 14, in Sociology Essay. The issue of gay marriage became highly severe in the United States during the last years. Many scientists and policymakers argue whether it is legal to acknowledge such kinds of affairs. Despite the positive attitude to gay weddings, the latter could lead to disastrous consequences for the society and

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