Essay On Literacy And Literacy. ideas and thoughts, develop and formulate their own ideas, and refine them. Teachers also play a key role in helping students; through instruction and the way they formulate their instructions to students. Literacy is also fundamental in science education because to be literate in science means that students must know how to read and The Importance Of Literacy. Words | 5 Pages. Literacy is a very important and useful tool someone should have when walking through life, it can help make people's life more simple. Sometimes literacy can be hard to learn, but it is worth it in the end. Being literate can help out when people want to learn something new or have important Oct 11, · Essay Sample: Importance of Literacy Literacy is the ability to think critically and understand what is being read. Illiteracy is a major problem in our society blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins
Importance of Literacy Free Essay Example -
Those people, who cannot read, are deprived of many opportunities for professional or personal growth. Unwillingness to become literate can be partly explained by lack of resources and sometimes shame; yet, these obstacles can and should be overcome. First, one can say that literacy is crucial for every person who wants to understand the life of a society. It is also essential for ability to critically evaluate the world and other people. In his book, Frederick Douglass describes his experiences of learning to read. Being a slave, he had very few opportunities for education. Overall, they were quite right in their assumption because literacy gives people access to information, and they understand that they can achieve much more than they have.
This can be one of the reasons for learning to read. Yet, literary is essential for many other areas of life, for example, employment. Statistical data show that low-literate adults remain unemployed for approximately six months of the year Fisher, This problem becomes particularly serious during the time when economy is in the state of recession. It is particularly difficult for such people to retain their jobs especially when businesses try to cut their expenses on workforce. One should take into account that modern companies try to adapt new technologies or tools, and the task of a worker is to adjust to these changes, literacy essay. Thus, literacy and language proficiency are important for remaining competitive. Furthermore, many companies try to provide training programs to their employees, but participation in such programs is hardly possible with basic reading skills.
Thus, these skills enable a person to take advantage literacy essay many opportunities. Additionally, one has to remember that without literacy literacy essay people cannot help their children who may struggle with their homework assignments. Moreover, literacy essay, ability to read enables a person to be a part of the community in which he or she lives. In his essay The Human Cost of an Illiterate SocietyJonathan Kozol eloquently describes the helplessness of illiterate people. This helplessness manifests itself in a variety of ways; for example, literacy essay, one can mention inability to read medicine prescriptions, contracts, ballot papers, official documents, and so forth Kozol, unpaged.
To a great extent, illiterate individuals can just be treated as second-class citizens. This is a danger that people should be aware of, literacy essay. To be an active member of a community, one has to have access to a variety of informational resources, especially, books, official documents, literacy essay, newspapers, printed announcements, and so forth. For illiterate people, literacy essay, these sources are inaccessible, literacy essay, literacy essay as a result, literacy essay, they do not know much about the life of a village, town, city, or even a country in which they live.
In some cases, adults are unwilling to acquire literacy skills, because they believe that it is too late for them to do it. Again, one has to remember that there should always be time literacy essay learning, literacy essay, especially learning to read. Secondly, sometimes people are simply ashamed of acknowledging that they cannot read. In their opinion, such an acknowledgment will result in their stigmatization. Yet, by acting in such a way, they only further marginalize themselves. Sooner or later they will admit that ability to read is important for them, and it is better to do it sooner. Apart from that, people should remember that there are many education programs throughout the country that are specifically intended for people with low literacy skills Fisher, Certainly, such programs can and should be improved, literacy essay, but they still remain a chance that illiterate adults should not miss.
If these people decide to literacy essay help with this problem, they will be assisted by professional educators who will literacy essay them the reading skills that are considered to be mandatory for an adult person. Although it literacy essay seem a far-fetched argument, participation in such programs can open the way to further education. As it has been said by Frederick Douglass learning can be very absorbing and learning to read literacy essay only the first step that a person may take Douglass, This is another consideration that one should not overlook.
Overall, these examples demonstrate that ability to read can open up many opportunities for adults. Nonetheless, one should not forget that professional growth and self-development can also be very strong stimuli for acquiring or improving literacy skills. Therefore, people with poor literacy skills should actively seek help in order to have a more fulfilling life. Fisher, Nancy. Kozol, Jonathan. The Human Cost of an Illiterate Society. Vanderbilt Students of Nonviolence, Need a custom Critical Writing sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? certified writers online. The Importance of Literacy. Learn More. We will write a custom Critical Writing on The Importance of Literacy specifically for you! This critical writing on The Importance of Literacy was written and submitted by your fellow student.
You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. Removal Request. If you are the copyright owner of this paper and no longer wish literacy essay have your work published on IvyPanda. An analysis of the poem titled Ballad of Birmingham One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Literacy essay. GET WRITING HELP. Cite This paper. Copy to Clipboard Copied! APA-7 APA-6 MLA-8 Chicago N-B Chicago A-D Harvard. Reference IvyPanda. Work Cited literacy essay Importance of Literacy. Bibliography IvyPanda. References IvyPanda. Powered by CiteTotal, reference maker. More related papers. Check the price of your paper.
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Oct 11, · Essay Sample: Importance of Literacy Literacy is the ability to think critically and understand what is being read. Illiteracy is a major problem in our society blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins The Importance Of Literacy. Words | 5 Pages. Literacy is a very important and useful tool someone should have when walking through life, it can help make people's life more simple. Sometimes literacy can be hard to learn, but it is worth it in the end. Being literate can help out when people want to learn something new or have important Literacy Essays. 42 essay samples found Essay examples. Essay topics. Identity in William Shakespeare’s Othello, Moor of Venice The guest for identity or the fight to be recognized in certain positions is one of the central themes on which Shakespeare build his play Othello, Moor of Venice. This theme is explored in various categories by
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