Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Future world essay

Future world essay

future world essay

Essay About My Future Essay On National Honor Society. Growing up in an unfortunate family, I have learned to take my education seriously and Surgical Nurse Practitioner Career Goal. I am eager to learn from these universities how to solve complex problem My Experience As A Dental Hygienist The Future of the World2 Pages Words. The world today is home to over six billion inhabitants. China and India are home to over two billion people and these countries are already experiencing the first signs of over population. If the population continues to grow as it is, the world can expect some serious problems within the next thirty years May 31,  · The world in which I live in the year is only marginally different than the one we lived in fifty years ago. Communication technology at this point is really the only thing that has advanced in great leaps. In , there are no more wires used in communication. No phone lines, no cables

The Future of the World essays

The world today is home to over six billion inhabitants. China and India are home to over two billion people and these countries are already experiencing the first signs of over population. If the population continues to grow as it is, the world can expect some serious problems within the next thirty years. Every day a quarter of a million people are added to the world, future world essay, which equates to eighty seven million people per year. With such an increase in population, one can only expect the depletion of earth's natural resources and the widespread suffering for future world essay inhabitants. Such a dramatic increase in population would, in turn, cause many environmental consequences.

Having twice as many people could result in severe problems, such as air pollution and waste management. The more people the earth has, the more industrial society will become. Increased industrialization will take a toll on future world essay earth's environment and cause heavy air pollution. The biggest cause of air pollution today is vehicle exhaust, through the burning of fossil fuels. While the cars of today have made some improvements, if the earth's population doubles then it can only be expected that the air pollution would double, future world essay.

In addition, space for garbage dumps and more treatment plants will have to be built to deal with the increase in waste. The destruction of vegetation in order to create more room for homes and the dumping of waste, future world essay, will future world essay allow enough air to be cleaned, nor will it future world essay enough space to produce enough food to support the world's population. Thirty-five countries now face serious food shortages, including two-dozen in Africa, according to a report released by the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization. If this is happening in the world today what can be expected in thirty years.

Many countries are on the verge of over population, expanding every which way to make room. This expansion often extends into agricultural Continue reading this essay Continue reading. Toggle navigation MegaEssays. Saved Essays. Topics in Paper. Example Essays. The Future of the World. Continue reading this essay Continue reading Page 1 of 2. Next Page. More Essays:. APA MLA Chicago The Future of the World. In MegaEssays. com, December 31, MegaEssays, "The Future of the World. html accessed April 18, future world essay,

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Life In The Future (), Essay Sample

future world essay

The Future World – English Composition Informal Essay People have been thinking of all kinds of futures, and I have no exception. Always, people imagine that the future is totally great, but in fact, there will still be many problems in all aspects. So sometimes I think of the past, too. Maybe in the past, the life was also great in some way May 31,  · The world in which I live in the year is only marginally different than the one we lived in fifty years ago. Communication technology at this point is really the only thing that has advanced in great leaps. In , there are no more wires used in communication. No phone lines, no cables The Future of the World2 Pages Words. The world today is home to over six billion inhabitants. China and India are home to over two billion people and these countries are already experiencing the first signs of over population. If the population continues to grow as it is, the world can expect some serious problems within the next thirty years

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