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Cons of death penalty essay

Cons of death penalty essay

cons of death penalty essay

Mar 29,  · Topic: The Cons of Death Penalty Indeed, there is no denying that the champions and proponents of death penalty see it as a method of punishing capital offenders. Whatever other arguments they may front to rationalize this path, the death penalty does not add up, both from the social and economic viewpoints Oct 08,  · The death penalty puts the scales of justice back in balance after they were unfairly tipped towards the morality of the death penalty has been hotly debated for many years. Those opposed to the death penalty say that it is immoral for the government to take the life of a citizen under any circumstance May 02,  · Among the arguments of the latter sort are these: the death penalty is the only punishment proportionate to the gravity of the offense; the death penalty is the only punishment whereby the murderer can expiate his crime; the death penalty is more humane than life imprisonment; in capital punishment the state indulges the very lust for vengeance it

�� Death Penalty Pros and Cons Essay - Free Essay, Term Paper Example |

Disclaimer: This paper has been submitted by a student. This is not a sample of the work written by professional academic writers, cons of death penalty essay. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this work are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of StudySaurus. Indeed, there is no denying that the champions and proponents of death penalty see it as a method of punishing capital offenders. Whatever other arguments they may front to rationalize this path, the death penalty does not add up, both from the social and economic viewpoints. First, death penalty discriminates against the poor.

The litigation and defense largely depend, and in fact determine the outcome thereof, on the financial endowment of the person in question, where in many instances the poor end up through this severity even when the circumstances around the case would have dictated otherwise. There are several cases documented of people who had been convicted and sentenced for death only to be exonerated later for innocence for lack of concrete evidence to warrant such a legal and judicial path. Further to this, evidence suggests that race and place play an integral role in these executions where the system hooks up cons of death penalty essay people who are not in favor with the legal and judicial enforcers.

Death penalty as such passes only as an under carpet avenue in which the government exterminates its citizens, cons of death penalty essay. In fact, the proper word, in this case, is persecution and nothing less. Furthermore, cons of death penalty essay, sufficient evidence from research as conducted with the involvement of the police and other stakeholders, reveal that death penalty does not, cons of death penalty essay, in fact, deliver on its pivotal objective it was intended for; which is crime deterrent.

Let us face it, nobody learns by dying, and there are other alternatives that the government can pursue cons of death penalty essay pulling a reversal to the rates, trends, and patterns of crime. Even when and if the circumstances surrounding a murder or similar case that qualifies for the death penalty, there is a significant level of possibility that persons involved have mental incapacitations and so the government would be missing it significantly in addressing the root cause. Killing them is undoubtedly a medieval retrogressive approach that even the developing world has long dropped. Pursuing this strategy, therefore, puts the government on same platforms with famous human rights abusers including countries that have a notorious record in this regard.

From the economic standpoint, taxpayers part with a good fortune to finance this barbaric approach with no return, as promised, in the name of abated crimes. Finally, it would be absurd to overlook the post-traumatic distortions that the people involved in these executions go through. Their job description involves terminating the lives of their fellow human beings. The government neglects the risk it puts on the mental health of the correctional officers, who are not only human beings, but also our fellow countrymen and even family, as it focuses on vengeance. StudySaurus is run by two uni-students that still get a kick out of learning new things. We hope to share these experiences with you. Stuck on Your Essay? Search For Search.

Home Knowledge Base Popular Essay Topics Death Penalty Debate Essay. Topic: The Cons of Death Penalty Indeed, there is no denying cons of death penalty essay the champions and proponents of death penalty see it as a method of punishing capital offenders. Was this material helpful? Yes No. Leave A Comment? Cancel Reply. About StudySaurus Community. error: Content is protected!!

English 102--Abolish Death Penalty Effective Five-section Essay Pattern

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Death Penalty: Pros and Cons - Free Essay Example on SupremeStudy

cons of death penalty essay

May 02,  · Among the arguments of the latter sort are these: the death penalty is the only punishment proportionate to the gravity of the offense; the death penalty is the only punishment whereby the murderer can expiate his crime; the death penalty is more humane than life imprisonment; in capital punishment the state indulges the very lust for vengeance it The Cons of the Death Penalty Essay. Words2 Pages. The Cons of the Death Penalty. “ Over people were falsely convicted and 35 faced death for crimes that they did not commit ” (Johnson). The death penalty is an ineffective and expensive way of dealing justice to the American people Feb 01,  · It costs more to implement the death penalty than offer life in prison. According to the Death Penalty Information Center, the average cost of a case without capital punishment involved is $, For cases where the death penalty is sought be prosecutors, the average cost off the case is $ million

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